Dec 10, 2008

the unknown man

it's the holidays and my roomie and i
decided to save money by checking out
half of the room and share a transponder (key).
last night i kept the transponder in my track shoes
and locked the door before i went to bed.
(she hadn't return when i went to bed)
at 7am this morning,
i heard the door unlocking and opening,
it wasn't my roomie.
it was an unknown guy and i couldn't see clearly.
he saw me opening my eyes and then he went "oh shit."
then he quickly got out of the room and locked it.
he actually locked it so i thought he meant no harm
so i was quite positive that it's my roomie's friend.
after i managed to contact her,
she said...she didn't tell anyone where we kept the transponder.
and that none of her friends came to our hall at all.
and it's defiinitely not any of the C4 guys, cuz i complained to one of them
and none of them would be awake at 7am.

so tell me, who the hell is that guy?!
i was quite freaked out this morning,
and after talking to my roomie,
WE are freaked out.
i should keep a gun in my room,
sounds like a pretty good plan to me.