A friend was confiding in me, it was related to someone 'cheating' on her boyfriend. I wasn't surprised because: 1) It's that girl and, 2) I've heard such stories too many times. But for goodness' sake, this isn't cool at all. Every time I hear such stories, I feel so upset and disappointed. Is cheating on one's partner part and parcel of life now? Another friend said, "Yeah man, it's normal, no big deal." I mean YEAH it may be true but it is NOT a small deal.
Not cool at allllllllllllllll. And he said something like "Too bad, just live with it." I was really quite peeved. I didn't say much, or rather I was too lazy to rebuke. I've been lazy to express what's on my mind recently. Then again, fine, everyone has his or her own expectations. But damnit, this shit is happening everywhere. Still, such action isn't justified, at all. Just because other people do it, doesn't mean it's fine you do it. People are cruel, I am cruel. But I just freaking hate the cheating. Spoil my freaking mood. The amount of profanities in my mouth now are unimaginable.