Dec 7, 2008

the love, and the light

When we were little, night time was scary,
because there were monsters hiding right under our beds.
When we get older, the monsters are different...
Self-doubt. Loneliness. Regret.
And though we may be older and wiser.
We still find ourselves scared of the dark.

Today, God reminded me that Satan's weapons are:
Guilt. Shame. Condemnation.
These are powerful weapons.
Sometimes I still find myself feeling,
guilty and shameful of the mistakes I've made in the past.
It's really a horrible feeling...
I know when I feel this way,
I'm actually allowing Satan to triumph over me.
So, thank God for His constant reminder that
we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
God will fight our battles and really, God's heart for us is:
No sin. No judgment. No condemnation. No shame.
We shall not be afraid of the darkness or the monsters,
for God is Light, He is love and He is our defense.
Let us dwell in this love, in this light (:

I so love worshiping God, every moment of my life (: