Nov 30, 2008

hello memories.

Although it was a rather short meet up today,
I definitely had my share of fun with you guys man!
Catching up and stuff! (: Oh and gaming!
Feels like the good old times...
CS, chng teng and ban mian.
Everyone commented on the price of the drinks,
and it was one after another!
It's not insignificant or pointless,
I think it was quite interesting, really.
Because it shows that we really grew up there together huh?
Anyway the last match of dota was pretty intense!
The I'm-agitated-when-I'm-gaming yellings.
The hysterical laughters.
The fixated stares at the screen.
The my-ass-is-rooted sitting positions.
The relentless sound of clicking the mouse.
And the..feeling of having a good time.
I smell nostalgia, at least for me (:

Anyway, to Jac & Miss Chew: 加油! Final lap! All the best (: